Wednesday 25 March 2020





DATE:            24 MARCH 2020






In light of the ongoing global outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and while the entire country has been placed under the “state of national emergency” and the entire Luzon under the “enhanced community quarantine” from 17 March 2020 to 12 April 2020, it is our civic duties and responsibilities to comply with all the laws, orders, directives, guidelines, and instructions issued by our national and local government. 


Meanwhile, as one local Church in the Apostolic Vicariate of Calapan, we are morally obligated to heighten our readiness to respond to the demands and needs of the people of God, although there are certain limitations in our movement and encounter with them.  Like the Good Shepherd, Jesus, we are expected to lay down our life for the sheep through our closest communion, compassion and care for them in providing for their spiritual and corporal needs that they may have life and have it abundantly (cf. Jn. 10:10).


Considering our current serious situation and precarious condition brought about by COVID-19 pandemic, I would like to lay down some “SPIRITUAL AND LITURGICAL PROTOCOLS” that should be implemented within this ecclesiastical jurisdiction as follows:


1.             Create a personal program and discipline in your daily prayer-life, among others: Missa Sine Populo, Holy Hour, Liturgy of the Hours and Holy Rosary.  Apply all Masses for the people entrusted to us(Missa pro populo); they are not to be combined with other intentions.  Suspend the collection of monetary gift or offerings (stips) from the faithful and the retention of the offering by the priest for praying a Mass. 


2.             Pray the Holy Rosary every day, after the 6:00 P.M. Angelus or after the 8:00 P.M. Oratio Imperata.  Pray also the 3 O'Clock Prayer to the Divine Mercy.  Use the public address system for wide range of audio coverage; live or recorded prayer may be used. 


3.             Use the two Rites – “Banal na Oras” and “Panalangin ng Pamilya” Para sa Ikahuhupa ng Salot na COVID-19.   Although these rites are to be used on 25 March 2020 on the occasion of the designated Day of Prayer and Fasting in the AVC, adopt them as supplemental prayer guides for everyday use. Photo copy and distribute them for wider circulation and consumption of our faithful.


4.             Follow strictly the “General Indications” regarding Holy Week, Triduum, and Easter liturgies as contained in the “Decree in Time of COVID-19”, Prot. No. 153/20, published by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, dated 19 March 2020, signed by Prefect Robert Cardinal Sarah, by mandate of the Supreme Pontiff, for the year 2020 only.  In view of thereof: 


4.1          The end-term for the cancellation of all public Masses as contained in the Administrative Decree 2020-01, i.e. “until 12:01 P.M. of 1 April 2020”, is revoked, and the cancellation is protracted until further notice.


4.2          The scheduled special Presbyteral Assembly on 1 April 2020, for the specific purpose of revisiting the end-term for cancellation of public Masses, is cancelled.  It is deemed moot and academic since it is something that no longer matters or is of little consequence.   


4.3          The Pre-Chrism Recollection and Chrism Mass scheduled on 1 April 2020 and 2 April 2020, respectively, are cancelled upon the instruction of our Metropolitan Archbishop Gilbert A. Garcera.  Holy Oils and Chrism from the current supplies, i.e. currently in use, may continue to be used until a new supply is blessed or consecrated and made available.


5.             Adopt and/or accommodate whatever applicable liturgico-pastoral recommendations are offered in the CBCP Circular No. 20-15, issued on 20 March 2020, re “Recommendations for the Celebrations of the Holy Week During the Quarantine Period (2020)”, without prejudice to keeping a balance of the essentials of the celebrations and the accommodations due to the precautions to stem the transmission of the virus.  Celebrate Holy Week liturgies with pandemic restrictions, particularly the provision on sine populo.  CDWDS’ Decree is personally preferred because of its simplicity and solemnity; it is deemed appropriate and modest without being grandiose and complicated. 


6.             Give sufficient and accurate orientation to the parish secretary, pastoral workers, and the principal lay-leaders about the provisions laid down in the Administrative Decree 2020-01.  Cease and desist from providing erroneous instructions while catering to the needs of our people for sacraments and sacramentals albeit some rules or practices have been omitted or altered.  Never put our local Church in bad light by reasons of ignorance and/or error in the presentation of facts.   


In this time of COVID-19 pandemic, without prejudice to the spirit of the Holy Season of Lent, let us not abandon the faithful as we continue to exercise our duties of pastoral care while keeping all the prescribed and necessary precautionary measures.   


May the Holy Spirit give us pastors the capacity for pastoral discernment “that we adopt measures that do not leave God’s holy and faithful people without assistance… that the people of God feel themselves accompanied by their pastors: by the comfort of the Word of God, the Sacraments, and of prayer” (Pope Francis’ Prayer Before Mass, Chapel of Domus Sanctae Marthae, 13 March 2020). 


This Administrative Decree shall enter into force effective 25 March 2020, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, and continue to be in full force and effect until further notice.


Obstantibus contrariis.



Apostolic Administrator of Calapan


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